Oooh, Ooh, Witchy Woman...
This is, by far, the blog I've been dreading. I mentioned in a previous writing that I am not a Christian... in fact, here's the exact quote: "For one, I am a student of all religions, and I follow an eclectic conglomerate of them ... I am not a Christian (or a follower of any Abrahamic religion) which makes me, by definition, a pagan- but not the hippiegranolaflowerchildnodeoderantunshaven kind that most people think of... but we'll come back to that one later." So! It is now "later". It's difficult to describe, exactly, what it is I feel inside about religion, but I think that holds true for most people. I'd say, there are as many "versions" of any religion as there are people who practice it, even within the same denomination. I'm sure there are things that my mother does differently than my father, even though they've been sweethearts for approximately 40 years. I think the best way I can do this is similar to the way I...