What's your problem?!
My apologies for taking so long to write another blog... after all, I know all of you have been waiting on pins and needles for the awesomeness that is Me. Now that you've had your laugh for the day, lets get serious... Some of you know from previous blogs that my family and I have moved from Virginia to Tennessee; an event brought about by the roller-coaster that is our American economy. I'm certainly not complaining. My husband is still employed, we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and, of course, the Internet. I am no stranger to moving being an Army brat... every few years growing up I had to pack my things and move from state to state, continent to continent. Considering I've moved my possessions across an ocean, the short move from VA to TN shouldn't seem like such a big deal. Put things in box. Move box. Take things out of box. Done and done.... for the most part. Now comes the hard part - meeting new people. I've always considered myself a ...